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Experiences of parlay betting from experts in football betting


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發表於 2023-6-5 10:52:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

If you are a football fan, you have probably heard of the term "parlay bet" before. However, if you are a beginner, you may still be unsure and not fully understand this type of betting. To play effectively, it is important to have a clear understanding of it. Let's explore in detail what a parlay bet is and how to calculate it accurately in the following article!

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What is a Parlay Bet?
A parlay bet, also known as a combination bet or mix parlay, is a type of football betting that combines multiple wagers from different bookmakers into a single bet. It includes various types of wagers such as penalty bets, Over/Under bets, Asian handicap bets, European handicap bets, half-bets, and more. The payout odds are calculated based on the multiplication of the odds from each individual wager included in the bet.

Due to the need to correctly predict the odds of multiple wagers simultaneously, the winning percentage for parlay bets is relatively low. The probability of winning a parlay bet is calculated as follows:
Probability of winning one bet: 1/3
Probability of winning a two-bet parlay: 1/9
Probability of winning a three-bet parlay: 1/27
Similarly, for each additional bet, the winning probability is multiplied by 1/3. Although parlay bets carry a higher level of risk, the potential winnings are substantial. Therefore, playing parlay bets with experience will not result in significant losses.
The name of the parlay bet in football corresponds to the number of included wagers. For example, combining four wagers is called a four-fold parlay, and combining five wagers is called a five-fold parlay. The same goes for six-fold, seven-fold, eight-fold, and so on.

How to Calculate a Parlay Bet in Football
Parlay bets are a popular and attractive form of betting, but not everyone can achieve high payouts. This is because this type of bet has a complex and somewhat difficult-to-understand gameplay. Here is how experienced bettors calculate parlay bets to effectively play parlay bets in football:

Calculating a Parlay Bet when winning the majority of individual bets:
The calculation for this type of parlay bet is as follows: The parlay odds are equal to the multiplication of the individual odds.
Parlay odds=Odds of Bet 1 x Odds of Bet 2 x Odds of Bet 3 x ... X Odds of Bet N
Calculating a Parlay Bet when there are draws, half-wins, or half-losses:
During a parlay bet, you may encounter situations where there are draws, half-wins, or half-losses, and sometimes a combination of all three. In such cases, the calculation of the parlay bet is slightly different:
For draws, the odds will be considered as 1.
For half-wins, the odds will be calculated as [1 + (individual odds - 1)/2].
For half-losses, the odds will be 1/2.
The general mechanism for calculating parlay odds in this situation is as follows:
Parlay odds=Winning odds x [1 + (half-win odds - 1)/2] x 1/2 (half-loss odds) x 1 (draw or cancellation)...
It's important to note that the above calculations provide a basic understanding of parlay bets in football. However, the actual calculation may vary depending on the specific betting platform and the rules set by the bookmakers. It's advisable to consult the specific terms and conditions of the betting site you are using to ensure accurate calculations.

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Some experiences of parlay betting from experts
For beginners, they may not have much experience in placing reasonable bets. Therefore, let's refer to some experiences of parlay betting from experts, top professionals including:

Understanding the rules and calculating parlay bets
In reality, not only parlay betting in football, but also any other games, everyone needs to understand the rules and regulations. Each bookmaker will have different regulations regarding this type of football betting. Understanding the terms and conditions will surely make you play with more confidence. From there, you can focus on analysis and achieve high winnings for yourself.

Acquiring knowledge and learning from experience
Although this is just an online betting game, in order to win, you must constantly learn and acquire knowledge. Explore in detail how to place bets, the odds you have researched, and how to calculate parlay bets to find opportunities for big wins.

Placing a single parlay bet increases the winning odds
Once you have chosen to bet on parlays, you must know that it is not easy because the prerequisite is that all betting odds must win. Therefore, if you are confident about which team will win in a match, focus intensively on that match. Do not analyze too many football odds as the risk will be very high.

Timing is crucial for running a parlay bet - Calculating parlay bets is important
Running a parlay means betting against what you have bet on in a match. Use this method if you see that one or more betting odds have a high likelihood of losing or have not been determined. If you run a parlay at the right time, the winning odds will be higher, or the potential losses will be lower. However, not every time running a parlay is effective, many cases require running a parlay in the following situations:
The account balance is not much left, and you are still "far from the shore."
The parlay betting odds are quite low.

Monitor the playing style of the teams closely
If you want to effectively bet on parlays, you should seriously monitor and study the match situation. Research thoroughly about the bets you are placing through public information such as the starting lineup, injury status, player strengths on both sides, team tactics, weather conditions, etc.

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The above is all the necessary information about what parlay betting is and how to calculate parlay bets accurately that I want to share with players. It can be said that this is the most popular type of online football betting. I wish you a pleasant betting experience and great victories.


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