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Analysis of the Match: LAKE MACQUARIE vs. VALENTINE


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發表於 2023-8-9 12:57:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Key factor: The last 9 away matches of Valentine have gone over the total goals.
Match Result Analysis: Valentine is currently in better form than Lake Macquarie at this point in the season.
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Specifically, Lake Macquarie has lost their last 6 matches, lost 9 out of their last 10 home matches, not won on the Asian handicap in 5 out of the last 6 matches, and not won on the Asian handicap in 5 out of the last 6 home matches.
Therefore, Valentine is likely to enjoy a comprehensive victory over Lake Macquarie in this away match.
Goal Prediction: Based on statistics, the match between Lake Macquarie and Valentine is likely to have more than 2 goals scored.
Specifically, in the last 8 home matches of Lake Macquarie, 8 out of the last 10 matches of Lake Macquarie, and 6 out of the last 9 away matches of Valentine have gone over the total goals.
Therefore, the match between Lake Macquarie and Valentine is likely to have more than 2 goals scored.
Head-to-Head Analysis - Lake Macquarie vs. Valentine: Historical head-to-head records show that in the last 5 away matches at Lake Macquarie's home ground, Valentine won 2, drew 2, and lost 1. 4 Out of the last 5 matches ended with fewer than 3 goals scored.
In the last 10 head-to-head matches, Lake Macquarie won 3, drew 2, and lost 5. 6 Out of the last 10 matches ended with more than 2 goals scored. Considering the last 4 recent head-to-head matches, Lake Macquarie won 1 and lost 3.
Form Analysis - Lake Macquarie vs. Valentine: Lake Macquarie has not won 9 out of their last 10 matches, and not won 5 out of their last 5 matches.
On their home ground, Lake Macquarie has not won 9 out of their last 10 matches, and not won 4 out of their last 5 home matches.
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Valentine has not won 8 out of their last 10 matches, and not won 4 out of their last 5 matches.
When playing away, Valentine has not won 7 out of their last 10 matches, and not won 4 out of their last 5 away matches.
Asian Handicap Analysis - Lake Macquarie vs. Valentine: Lake Macquarie has not won on the Asian handicap in 8 out of their last 10 matches, and not won on the Asian handicap in 4 out of their last 5 matches.
On their home ground, Lake Macquarie has not won on the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and not won on the Asian handicap in 4 out of their last 5 home matches.
Valentine has not won on the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and not won on the Asian handicap in 4 out of their last 5 matches.
When playing away, Valentine has not won on the Asian handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and not won on the Asian handicap in 3 out of their last 5 away matches.
Over/Under Analysis - Lake Macquarie vs. Valentine: Following the over/under trend, Lake Macquarie has gone over in 8 out of their last 10 matches, and 4 out of their last 5 matches.
On their home ground, Lake Macquarie has gone over in 8 out of their last 10 matches, and 5 out of their last 5 home matches.
Valentine has gone under in 7 out of their last 10 matches, and 4 out of their last 5 matches.
When playing away, Valentine has gone over in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and gone under in 3 out of their last 5 away matches.
Selection: Valentine (-1 3/4).
Over/Under Prediction: Match to go over.
Score Prediction: 1-4.
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